In Touch Athletic Club and Bottelary Hills Renosterveld Conservancy (BHRC) will hold a trail run at Zevenwacht Wine Estate on Sunday to raise funds to fight snaring in the hills.
“Only 4% of the original renosterveld still exists and about 70% hereof is found on private properties. Some 80ha, approximately 15% of Zevenwacht land, is a protected conservation area with rich plant diversity as well as a host of small mammals and birdlife,” the conservancy’s manager, Christel Liebenberg, said in a statement.
Grysbok, grey duiker and otters were among the animals that still roamed the Bottelary Hills, but they were endangered.
“Many animal species remain dependent on the existence of renosterveld habitat. The endangered reptile species, such as the diamondback tortoise, which is only to be found in renosterveld areas, and more than 110 bird species have been identified in the BHRC.”
Wildlife was threatened by poachers’ illegal wire snares on the private property and there were regular patrols to remove them, she said.
The Cape Leopard Trust launched a “snare free” project last month to protect wildlife in the province from snares.
Runners can choose between a 5km or 10km run and there will be medals and a 375ml Zevenwacht Estate Cabernet Sauvignon for all finishers.
Registration opens at 6.30am. It costs R150 for the 10km run, which starts at 7.30am, and R100 for the 5km, which starts at 7.40am. You can also register at For more information, contact Ms Liebenberg at 083 448 0810.