Fairmont High School’s Class of 2022 has achieved a 99.6% overall pass rate, 34 A aggregates, a 90.8% Bachelor’s pass rate, 458 subject A’s and 89 B aggregates.
The school’s top achiever, Bashier Makadam, scored a 91.3% aggregate and seven distinctions.
He said it was important to take study breaks while revising.
“I value a well-balanced day, which assists in alleviating anxiety. I study for short sessions intertwined with numerous breaks as well as time for exercise, extramurals and entertainment. Being sufficiently rested is critical. I do not allow myself to study past a specified hour at night even if I had not studied as much as I would have liked.”
He plans to study medicine at Stellenbosch University.
Zahraa Sattar scooped the second-best results with a 91 % aggregate and seven distinctions.
“It was very heartwarming seeing how proud my friends and family were of me,” she said.
Her study routine consisted of revision of preliminary notes and doing past exam papers, she said.
“I had to sacrifice many social aspects of my life such as almost missing my cousin’s wedding. I would run most nights before my exams as an outlet for anxiety.
“I would advise matrics of this year to trust their knowledge and breathe through their exams. They should work hard and put in all their effort, but don’t give up important parts of your life, such as family, your mental health, and your physical well-being.“
She will study mechatronics engineering at UCT.