The crime statistic for 2015 reported Kraaifontein as one of the top 10 crime areas in South Africa. A postgraduate research paper on The concepts of poverty, towards an appropriate framework for the Church in its development ministry among the poor undertaken by Reverend Samuel Dean, at the University of KwaZulu Natal, revealed that poverty is a key contributing factor to the increase in crime.
Since its birth in 2013, Yeshua Covenant Church has initiated various community development projects in response to the many complex challenges inherent in the Kraaifontein community.
One of those projects is the Youth and Children of All Race and Religion Safety Awareness Outreach Programme, which runs over five days during the June/July School holiday from 9am to 4pm daily. The project will run from Monday July 11 to Friday July 15 at the spray park in Scottsville, Kraaifontein.
Daily events includes sport, games, music and group discussions on values such as respect for elders and love towardsone another.
A strong message is put forward, says Mr Dean, that school dropout, gangsterism, drugs and substance abuse and xenophobia are not cool. Other activities include a jumping castle for the kids while the youth are busy with art work and printing on T-shirts to take home, and the screening of bible movies such as Moses and the Exodus and Daniel in Babylon.
Meals and drinks are provided, which for some of the children will be their only meal for the day
Over the years daily attendance of the programme has increased from 150 to 300 including adults, according to the attendance register.
The project aims to keep the youth and children occupied during the school holiday, to make a meaningful contribution to their lives and to help create safer and better communities in Cape Town. Partners include the Western Cape Department of Community Safety, Sports and Recreation, the Northern District Social Services Early Childhood Development office, and Kraaifontein SAPS.
To get involved call 021 836 9499 or contact Pastor Dudley September on 082 7026519 or Sister Yvonne Serfontein 072 732 7787 or email fhcoordinator@yeshuacovenantchurch. org or or visit and Yeshua Covenant Church on Facebook.