The city council has approved five informal trading plans in the northern suburbs, including Parow Industria (Ward 22), the greater Bellville CBD, Goodwood, and Kraaifontein CBD and surrounds.
Last week, the City of Cape Town announced that 17 trading bays would be spread across seven trading sites, between Radnor Road and Stoker Street, Parow Industria. In the Bellville CBD, 134 trading bays would be located across eight trading sites between Teddington Street and Blanckenberg Road. Goodwood’s 34 trading bays would be at the Goodwood Mall parking lot, on the corner of McDonald Street and Voortrekker Road. Kraaifontein CBD and surrounds would have 179 trading opportunities.
Trading in these areas will be permitted from 6am to 6pm, seven days a week, except in the Kraaifontein CBD and surrounds where traders will be allowed to ply their trade from 6am to 8pm, as requested by the sub-council.
“Informal trading plays a vital role in creating much-needed employment and economic opportunities. The City is therefore doing all it can to balance the needs of residents and the formal retail sector with the need for economic development,” said Eddie Andrews, mayoral committee member for tourism, events and economic development.
Once an informal trading plan is in place, traders will need permits and can only trade in defined bays, in compliance with City by-laws.
“Due to the narrow pavement spaces and the lack of economic opportunity in some areas, we have had to reduce the number of trading bays in these areas and relocate the traders to more financially beneficial areas,” said Mr Andrews.