Fire is an ever-present danger during the colder winter months as more people use electrical and paraffin heaters and wood fires to warm their homes.
But there are several precautions the public can take to prevent fires, and ER24 has outlined some of them as well advice on what to do if you suffer burn injuries.
General fire safety:
Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.
Do not leave a candle burning if you go to bed or leave the property. Also, never leave children unattended near a lit candle or any fire for that matter.
Never start a fire or use a heater while intoxicated.
Never sleep with a lit cigarette in your hand. Also, never discard lit cigarettes in areas that could easily be set alight.
Do not leave fireplaces unattended.
Never use an open fire, stove or a heater to dry clothes or shoes.
Ensure electric blankets are in a good working condition, does not have any tears or the wires are not exposed. Do not leave it on unattended.
Always keep a window open to ensure adequate ventilation when using an indoor fireplace or gas heater.
It is advisable to have a small household fire extinguisher
What to do if you sustain burn wounds:
People with extensive burn wounds need to be transported to a hospital as soon as possible.
Emergency services should be contacted immediately.
For minor burns, run clean, cool tap water over the burn for at least 10 to 20 minutes.
If arms and legs are affected, try to elevate the limb to decrease the swelling.
Any large surface area burns surrounding the mouth, nose, neck and throat or general facial area should be treated as an emergency.
What not to do if you sustain burn wounds:
Do not pop or remove blisters.
Do not put ice on the burn/s.
Do not use home remedies like coffee, butter, toothpaste, mustard, and milk. The patient stands a greater chance of infection and further wound damage.