The City officially opened the R53 million Spes Bona reservoir in Durbanville on Friday April 20.
With a capacity of 35 million litres, it’s big enough to fill 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. It has been built next to an existing 15 million-litre reservoir.
Suzette Little, mayoral committee member for area north, said the reservoir would feed Fisantekraal, which includes the Greenville Garden Cities housing development, the greater Durbanville area and the higher-lying areas in Brackenfell, among other areas.
The design of the reservoir started in July 2014. It took 18 months to build and was finished in November last year.
“It is absolutely necessary that we invest in and maintain our water infrastructure,” said Ms Little. “Such water projects are funded by tariffs that are used to provide reliable water services provision to our growing city.”