Cape Town City Ballet opens 2018 with an adaptation of Alexander Puskin’s short story, Mozart and Salieri.
Choreographer Marc Goldberg has combined a classical story with a 21st century design to bring a cinematic experience to modern ballet that is performed to many jewels of Mozart’s extensive repertoire.
The story, made so famous by Sir Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus, follows the rumoured rivalry of Mozart and court composer Antonio Salieri, and there are dark undercurrents of jealousy and sabotage from Salieri, whose pious demeanour is challenged greatly on meeting Mozart.
Two-act ballet also tells the love story of Mozart and Constanze, their meeting, marriage and subsequent children.
Mozart and Salieri will run on the Artscape Opera Stage, from Wednesday February 7 to Saturday February 17. Tickets, available from Computicket, cost R150 to R270.